Monday, March 15, 2010

The other day I was getting my boys ready for school. We couldn't find a pair of shoes for one of the boys. Normally, I would have already been standing by the window watching for the bus. But this day I was looking in the trunk and under the coach. I heard something outside so I opened the door to see the bus was already there. It was about two minutes early. I called Dougan over but the bus was slowly driving away. I figured it was okay because the other boys were running so behind that I knew I would have to drop them off anyway and it wouldn't be that big a deal to drop Dougan off too. So we all got back to looking for the shoes. Then we had to look for the backpack and the jacket. While I was looking for those I thought I heard something outside again. The bus was back, so I called Dougan over again and we went out to the bus. The bus driver started yelling at me that she had been out there for two minutes waiting for me. I told her I had already seen her leave and was just planning on taking him to school myself at that point. She didn't listen and just kept going on about how she's going to be late now because of me. I told her, that I didn't ask her to come back.
I was so upset by the way she was acting that I called the transportation depot. I told them what happened and he agreed that there was no reason for her to be snippy with me. I explained that I didn't ask her to come back and that it was her choice. He told me that normally they don't come back but if they have time they will. Now I was really mad. She acted like I had ruined her whole morning, but really I didn't. She chose to come back because she had time. Okay, so I was fuming and I debated picking Dougan up from school that day so I wouldn't have to see her. Then I decided to let him ride the bus home.
When the bus came she wouldn't look at me. I just stared at her smiling. The next day was the same thing. She stared out her window and I was just smiling at her. This went on for over a week. Then last week I saw her breaking her route and she came up a different street and totally bypassed my house. I waited ten minutes after the time she should have been at my house and then I called the transportation depot. He radioed her and told me she'd be there in five minutes. When they came she apologized for being late and said it was because another parent wasn't there the first time so she had to go back. Hmmmmm. So at least she was speaking to me again. Then on Friday I went to watch Koen's 2nd grade class swim at the YMCA. She was there. She has a son in the same class. I talked to her as if none of the other stuff had happened and she seemed to let out a sigh of relief and talked to me throughout the duration of the swim class. So, it looks like things are resolved and the bus driver is no longer angry with me.


  1. I find it interesting that she would by pass your house to go back to another. You would think she'd hit your house before going back. But, I'm not a driver, so what do I know.

  2. it's nice when people can forgive and accept forgiveness

  3. oh man! i wanna know what part isn't quite for real!

  4. The only part that is Not true is I was not smiling at her when she dropped him off. We both pretty much avoided eye contact. Everything else is true.
