Wednesday, January 13, 2010


The local grocery store was having a sale on Kool-aid. Me and the kids love it so I went to buy some. I got to the check-out with about 20 packets of Kool-aid and a bag of sugar. The cashier says to me, "I haven't had Kool-aid for a long time." I say, "Well, I have a bunch of kids at home." She says, "I can't believe people give it to their kids. It's practically all sugar and it's disgusting." I was in shock. I mean how rude. I then say, "Well, cashiers normally do not tell customers that their purchases are disgusting and bad for children." She says, I didn't mean to offend you but it's true." I say, "Well, how old are you, 20??, well when you grow up and have kids, which is hopefully not in the near future, then you can give them whatever you want, but for now could you please just keep your mouth shut and ring up my Kool-aid." Then she just gets a little smirk and finishes ringing up my stuff. As she hands me the receipt she says, "You should give your kids milk or water to drink." I say, "Excuse me, do you think that I don't? Are you that naive to think that because a person buys a lot of one item than that is all that they have in their house? I do give my kids milk and water and juice. Occasionally I will give them a treat and instead of giving them pop I would rather give them Kool-aid, which is on sale right now and that's why I bought so much. We do not drink Kool-aid everyday for every meal. We have it only about once every two weeks. Now I know a person of your size and maturity level does not know how to take things in moderation, but I do. Now, may I please speak to your manager."


  1. that's so funny! i love it and i wish that it was totally true!

  2. did she really say that? for reals? totally kidding, right?

  3. The story is completely true up to the part where she said it's mostly sugar and it's disgusting and she can't believe people give it to their children. Yes, she really said that. From there I made it up. Really I just stood there in shock then later I realized I should have said what is in the rest of the story.

  4. Aw, if only we could go back in time and redo those moments to deliver the zingers.

  5. Well, the kids need something to wash down the Ding Dongs and Doritos. And you can't give them beer anymore because of that do-gooder social worker. What is a mother to do these days?

  6. Right SSM. They also told me I shouldn't give them pixi sticks to help them wake up everyday. Who makes up all these rules?

  7. Haha. If this was all completely true and I was there, I would've been thinking, "You go, Aunt Sarah!"
